When you enter another person’s property, by law, you have a reasonable expectation that you will not be injured on that property. This means that the property owner has a duty to maintain his or her property in a way that creates a relatively safe environment. The types of incidents that result in premises liability claims can range from a slip/trip and fall at a public place, like a grocery store, to sustaining an injury while visiting a private home.

Aquatic Law
Catastrophic Injury
Negligent Security
Wrongful Death

Aquatic Law

It is estimated that 4,000 people drown in America every year, and that for every drowning, there are four serious aquatic accidents requiring emergency room intervention and/or hospitalization. Activities involving water require particular attention to safety rules and equipment. Water activities can be fun and enjoyable, but can quickly turn deadly if carried out negligently, without proper supervision, or without adequate safety warnings, procedures and equipment. Special rules apply to the use of watercraft, and failure to adhere to these rules can lead to accidents that result in severe injury or death. We have a great deal of experience handling matters involving aquatic accidents, and our Managing Partner, Cassidy Dang Buckland, is Certified in Aquatic Law.

Catastrophic Injury

When you or a loved one faces sudden catastrophic injuries as a result of an accident, it is important to obtain legal assistance immediately to protect the rights of the victim and his/her family. Catastrophic injuries leave an imprint on victims and their families forever, which is why we make it our priority to ensure that our clients receive full and fair compensation for their injuries. We provide a free initial case evaluation and will represent you on a contingency fee basis, so that you incur no fees unless we are successful in recovering the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to discuss the injuries you or your loved one has suffered.

Negligent Security

Negligent security law is based upon the premise that crimes are preventable and that a property or business owner is in the best position to take the security measures necessary to avoid foreseeable crimes. In general, a negligent security claim may be filed against a property or business owner when a victim is injured by a third-party or security personnel in an incident that could have been prevented had the property or business owner taken the proper safety precautions. We have extensive experience handling matters involving negligent security, and represent clients in a wide variety of negligent security claims throughout the State of Florida. If you, or a loved one, have been injured by a third-party or security personnel as a result of negligence by a property or business owner, give us a call today for a free initial case evaluation.

Wrongful Death

At Buckland & Dang, P.A., we understand the trauma and grief families go through when they have lost a loved one because of someone else’s negligence. While our attorneys cannot take away the sorrow and anguish, we can help ease the burden of the associated financial and legal matters.

Sadly, insurance companies try to minimize the value of a life lost in a wrongful death matter. We will determine the extent of your losses and make sure that your loved one’s pre-death medical expenses, lost wages, and conscious pain and suffering are properly compensated. We will also guide you through the probate process, ensuring that your family and loved one’s memory are treated with respect, dignity and fairness. If you believe that a loved one is a victim of wrongful death, please contact us today for a free initial case evaluation.

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