Foreclosure Defense

Foreclosures in South Florida have reached record highs over the past decade. If you are facing foreclosure, you are not alone in this matter, and you should not have to participate in the process alone. We understand the stress and uncertainty that accompanies the foreclosure process, and are here to help through each step of the process. We have a great deal of experience handling foreclosure matters and workout options to avoid foreclosure.

Loan Modifications

There are thousands of individuals and families throughout South Florida who purchased homes during the real estate boom, who are now dealing with a property that is mortgaged far beyond its current market value. If you are one of the affected individuals, it is important for you to understand that you can potentially avoid foreclosure by working with your lender to modify your mortgage.

Our attorneys have extensive experience negotiating with lenders to achieve advantageous loan modifications for our clients. In addition to helping our clients avoid foreclosure, loan modifications generally result in other benefits for our clients, such as lower monthly payments, forgiveness of past-due payments and fees, or reduction of their mortgage principal. If your property is at risk of being foreclosed, contact us today for a free initial case evaluation.

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Take advantage of the knowledge and experience of Buckland & Dang, P.A. We work for your best interests!